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Liquid Copper

Methods of using liquid copper in agriculture:

  1. Foliar spray:
    Liquid copper is sprayed onto plant leaves, allowing direct absorption through the foliage. This method is effective for quickly addressing deficiencies.
  2. Soil application:
    Liquid copper can be added to irrigation water to deliver it to the roots, helping plants absorb it efficiently.

Proper use of liquid copper improves plant health, increases crop productivity, and enhances plant resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.



Liquid copper is a very important element in agriculture, playing essential roles in plant health and growth. Here is its significance:

  1. Key role in enzymes:
    Copper is a major component of many enzymes that assist in oxidation and reduction processes in plants. These processes are essential for energy production and cell growth.
  2. Stimulating protein production:
    Copper plays a role in protein formation in plants, contributing to cell growth and the development of plant tissues.
  3. Disease resistance:
    Copper enhances plant immunity against various fungal and bacterial diseases. Liquid copper is commonly used as a fungicide to protect plants from pest infestations.
  4. Improving photosynthesis:
    Copper plays an important role in improving the efficiency of photosynthesis by aiding in chlorophyll production, helping plants better utilize sunlight and enhance growth.
  5. Strengthening roots and stems:
    Copper strengthens plant tissues, leading to sturdier roots and stems, making plants more resilient to harsh environmental conditions.
  6. Influencing seed growth:
    Copper is crucial for healthy root development and seed growth, improving germination and increasing seedling vigor.
  7. Treating copper deficiency:
    Copper deficiency leads to stunted growth and symptoms like leaf twisting and yellowing. Applying liquid copper helps prevent and quickly address these symptoms.


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Nano Chem Company is a company specialized in the agricultural field, especially in the field of importing fertilizers and potassium humate, potassium fulphate


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